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Паутина слот 11

13.03.2019 0

паутина слот 11

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Seriously I killed at least 50 and it never dropped I killed 10 for a quest and three dropped. Комментарий от mstieler Ugh.

Комментарий от After Cata Patch, none in Arathi The Black Widow spiders of Duskwood drop them, I killed about , got 3 silk. The terrain has a lot of trees and is all gloomy. I need 12 of these for my alts Tail : Come on Blizz! I found it very easy to get these by killing Wildthorn Stalkers, in Ashenvale got the 4 i needed for my boots in around 10 mins Grinding on a Go to Duskwood for these.

Good luck and happy farming. Комментарий от sivla Okay the best place that I found 82 feral druid was duskwood. However what I think is, if I could have got passed the boredom of waiting for the entire area to respawn right up to the GY from just past worgs. I then moved to the worgs and killed and skinned them, got a bunch of blues, 1 medium hide needed 2 and 34 medium leathers skinner and lw.

This took me in total including spiders around 15 minutes max. But if I was a lower level character, it would feel like an abysmal return while trying to quest and such. I think thats misleading though depending on your play style. Комментарий от Chirean I needed four of these for a Tailoring recipe and after recommendations, I headed to Duskwood and farmed the Black Widows there. I managed to get four of them in about 15 minutes, which is better than I expected.

I went to Duskwood as a poster above suggested. I will never go anywhere else for this again. This took me about 28 minutes. Комментарий от Checked out those Black Widows in Duskwood For a max level character, it used to take me average forty-five minutes to farm a stack. This run took me thirty. Definitely hitting this area at least once a week from now on! Комментарий от Got my 4 I needed in Duskwood in about mins. Cat druid Random drop is random. The Black Widows are prolific, but the silk is still rather scarce, in my opinion.

I also looted 23 small spider legs, 30 gooey spider legs, 23 crunchy spider legs, 9 various grays, and two greens. The AH price on my server is currently 20G per each silk, but then I noticed they were posted by a friend of mine. I asked him if they were selling at that price and where did he get them from. He said he sells per week and buys low and sells high. I told him he was cheating. I refuse to pay that much, hence - the 30 minutes in Duskwood.

Anyway - have fun. Edit - I missed page 2 of the comments until after I posted. I farmed 4 in 35 minutes. Three of them with 15 minutes. Got G for them at AH as tailorers can make lvl 19 cloth boots from them. Good luck. Grind-a-thon ! Will report back. Got one from Leech Stalkers after only killing less than So Wetlands is still good.

They drop very steady. Also check inside the cave I got a few in there too from the cave stalkers and the widow. Tired of grinding right now. Will repost when I figure out if data is accurate. It appears about 14 to 16 total spawn, with 1 or 2 respawning by the time you get them all killed. And all respawn by the time you finish a full circuit in the cave. Killed almost Zero Spiders Silk. Killed 30ish, got 1 Spiders Silk. Small samples I know, but its a start.

As I was doing this, I was hoping the news was not as grim as it appears--no such luck : I started with Ashenvale just to the Southwest of Splintertree Post, by a lake.

There are Wildthorn Lurkers there that fade in n out and are gray in color. I killed a few and I say that truly because there are not many and they do not reappear to quickly. Was hoping this meant good things, but no. I got no other ones in that trip.

I went to an area in Stonetalon Mtns. Not sure wether to try the area around Goldshire or not. MaBaer Edit: I decided to try the black widows in Duskwood between the circle in the middle and Raven Hill cemetary and from the road on the South clear up to the North border.

It was a decent trip. I needed to get just 1 but wanted to get myself a full stack just in case :. I stopped counting at around but must have come close to spiders. Probably just the odds but yikes!

Комментарий от Droprates on leech widow may have changed I got four in about ten minutes. I was able to pick up 4 silks in less than 5 mins farming black widows at 33, Best to use when you need spider silk for tailoring :. I took the advice on some of the newer posts and tried my luck in Duskwood, around the Raven Hill cemetary. I am now going to farm a bit more to either make some extra money on the AH or make another pair of the Spider Silk Boots for one of my caster alts.

Комментарий от Got 9 silks in one hour doing the rounds in Hillsbrad. Комментарий от thelandira Ran a little experiment today. My results are as follows: Duskwood - Black Widows - 18 grays - 4 greens - 72 crunchy legs - 74 gooey legs - 75 small legs - ichor - 8 silk Hillsbrad - Domesticated Mine Creeper - 12 grays - 9 greens - 35 poisoned fang - 75 crunchy legs - 75 gooey legs - 79 small legs - ichor - 1 tailoring pattern - 13 silk To me Hillsbrad is definately a better spot. Some would respawn immediately on top of the one just killed.

Now the question is how many do I use for tailoring and how many do I list on the AH? With transmogging on the horizon I could make a pretty penny either way I suppose. Комментарий от Darneas Regardless of where you go these things have a horrible drop rate.

I got two after about two hours of killing the forest creepers and the black widows. I can only imagine how long it takes for the other ones. Комментарий от Berrenger Farmed Черная вдова s in Duskwood on my level 85 warrior for just under 30 minutes and looted eight Паутина. Judging by other comments my results seem to be slightly better than average as I doubt I killed more than in that time.

Комментарий от LovelyHealer Farmed all the spiders in Duskwood. Circled Twilight Grove 2 full times, killing all spiders. Комментарий от So just for experiment I farmed the spider silk inside Keepers of Time dungeon Old Hillsbrand and to my amazement those actually drop from Forest Creepers there. The drop rate is more or less the same as everywhere, I got 4 spider silks from 50 kills which is pretty much every spider in the instance one lvl 20 green some gray armors and some cooking spider parts and gray spider parts.

Комментарий от My hunter found nearby Addles Stead a much better spot for wool. Spirits are plentiful and drop wool more reliably, also easier for ranged attacks. Комментарий от Best place for me to farm this silk has been from the Cave Stalker and Leech Stalker in the Wetlands.

These spiders are plentiful with a decent respawn timer and are very close together also. With an 85 hunter doing 1-shot kills, I did several circuits and killed around creepers to get 5 silks. Almost gave up after kills without a drop but fortunately decided to try a few more. Im here on a lv 85 pali which makes no difference on the drop. Why wouild Blizz make a low level mat so freaking difficult to farm.

Ive pent bout 5 hours today looking fo Spiders silk and i have a total of 6. Any suggestions to get Spiders Silk would be greatly appreciated. Комментарий от Grammie Since noone has posted on this for a while and since it seems to be so hard to find I decided to look for it and post my results - - on my server it goes for 50 gold a piece - - which at first I thought it was crazy until I found out how hard it is to come by I shall head out to wetlands and check there but I think for now duskwood is where you want to be if you are looking for spider silk and everyone seems to be needing at least four.

Комментарий от peptomilkshake Just killed Black Widows in Duskwood. I read a post earlier stating that said poster had no luck with them. I just wanted to say that he really was having no luck with the spiders, not that the spiders themselves do not drop Silk. Peace and happy grinding! Respawn rate seems better in the cave than Duskwood. Used to regularly spend 1hr getting in Duskwood, and now I regularly get in 20 min in Wetlands. It could just be RNG, but I think it is the faster respawn rate and not having to mount to fly to find more widows.

Ghost wolf FTW in the cave. I just ran up and down between the eastern side of raven hill cemetery and the mountains. Hope this helps.

The drop rate seems much higher than what Wowhead states from these spiders. Cave Stalker inside cave 48, 60 Sorry for the small data pool but 2 was all I needed. She is hanging onto them for when she needs them for tailoring. I am not sure if the drop rate is always that good there but it worked at least once. Blizzard has not fixed this issue. Horrible drop rate! Комментарий от i have farmed about four of these in about 30 mins in duskwood around raven hill about spiders killed. Комментарий от I went looking for this stuff today.

I went to three different places: Hillsbrad Foothills, Duskwood, and Wetlands. Here is my haul in each place. I am an 85 Destructo Lock with a GearScore. In each place, I farmed for a full 90 minutes or spiders, whichever came first. A ton of grey trash. I got absolutely nothing. I went to each place listed here and also online on other sites. I was there around 4pm game time. A ton of trash. I got two silks within the first 5 minutes, but nothing afterwards. It was horrible.

A metric ton of trash. Now, to get 31 Silks, I had to farm for about 3 hours to get them. They respawn very quickly; after you clear the outside of the cave, you go in the cave, clear them, and outside has already respawned. Each circuit has about 40 spiders total, so I noticed it seemed to be every other circuit that I was getting drops. They also seem to drop more outside of the cave than inside the cave. I am definately not saying to never go in the cave; they dropped inside the cave as well, but for the inside, I would get outside.

The downside was picking up all the trash. None of the first three ever netted me more than 7s, even in a stack, so I would just destroy stacks of them. Interestingly, the Poisoned Spider Fang netted 37s a stack. With almost every other spider dropping those fangs, I easily got 9 or 10 stacks to net several gold. Happy Farming! Комментарий от Holy crap Duskwood is by far the best place to farm this. Комментарий от Guess what? So, not exactly sure how good silk farming will end up in this section.

Worth a shot though. I tried recently myself and killed about 20 and no drops at all. So for this I was able to up my cooking past the spiced bread recipe. So there ya go, happy leveling! Комментарий от This is going for 26g on my server. Комментарий от Patch: 5. Start time: pm 1 9 kills 2 61 kills 3 29 kills Took a little break.. Started again at pm.. Good feeling when that happens haha. So I combed Duskwood with a fine tooth comb for over an hour straight and picked up about five silk from just the Black Widows found near the Raven Hill cemetery - not a single one dropped off the hatchlings to the east or the Venom Webs found all around the north half of the zone - and that was after circling back a few times.

Same can be said for the other zones listed and silk has dropped sporadically between the different types of spiders some that had no silk one day had almost six or seven the next. You just have to cross your fingers and hope that you get lucky. Best of luck! Комментарий от reelic Крученый посох певчего dropped off around 35th Черная вдова out of 50 Черная вдова looted got two Паутина also farmed around 50 Ядовитый кругопряд for another two Паутина 15 min of farming.

Happy Hunting : Сумеречный лес the Черная вдова and Ядовитый кругопряд seem to have more of them with a faster rez rate in a smaller area makes it quicker farming.

Another dropped off the minor venom web spider crab cakes quest. Went back later and did about another 40, no drops of spider silk. Odd RNG Комментарий от Omac I just killed Black Widows.

Nor do they respawn very quickly, unfortunately. I spent 45 mins farming in hillsbrad and got 1. Комментарий от Hasita I farmed Zarakh for 3 days, this npc drops nothing at all, ever! After 40 mins. Best place to farm is between Raven Hill Cemetery and Twilight Grove in that entire wooded area from the water to the road. It went by fast and they respawn quickly. I would suggest porting to Stonard and flying the very short distance.

Комментарий от I just farmed 12 of these 2 without trying! The first 6 took me about an hour with my level 30 hunter. I killed about a hundred spiders and out of that got 6 spider silks.

The next 4 again took me about an hour, and a little under a hundred spiders. I know how many I killed because I had the Darkmoon trophy quest and I came to Duskwood with only 1 and left with This is actually a great way to farm them! You get your Darkmoon quest and some rare spider silks They seem to come in bursts, like one or two or three at a time even and then nothing for the next 50 spiders. And my marksman hunter killed most of them with a single shot.

Super easy. Later on I was questing with another one of my toons, a level 25 mage, doing some quest in the Wetlands that has you kill spiders in and around a cave and the very first spider I killed dropped a spider silk. I started laughing. Then a few minutes later I got another one. I also leveled up my hunter one and a half levels as I was killing the Duskwood spiders, so it is amazing for lower levels! I gathered enough spider legs to build a fence around Orgrimmar. Комментарий от Ok so I decided to farm these since they were retarded expensive in the ah.

That did not end up working out well prlly had one drop in about 45 mins of farming and I think that was just pure luck. After reading the comments I flew out to Duskwood excited because it seemed like everyone else that went out there did pretty well! Not me I killed prlly spiders and nothing Then I read another comment talking about Wetlands and killing the spiders in and outside a cave Thelgen Rock, Coords 52, I got 7 silks in about 20 mins.

So for me.. Happy Spider killing! Got mine off black widows in Duskwood. Tryed Arathi Комментарий от Just adding to the string of comments here: Black Widow spiders in Duskwood Then got a 5th. I got all I needed off the first clear, but I wanted to test if it was just luck and it was. Stick it out; 5 in 20 minutes is not bad given the relative rarity of this item and typical high AH price.

Комментарий от Ranloc I was in Ashenvale doing Splintertree Post quests and got 4 in that general area. Perhaps I may go back there on a non-pvp server with my LW and see just how good or bad the drop rate really is and how long it takes.

Комментарий от Ladylock81 You can still get these in Hillsbrad Foothills for Horde on the forest creepers in the field by the Sludge fields.

I killed all the ones I could find which at level 90 took me less than 5 minutes and got 5. I tried the spiders in Silverpine forest and got none at all, the mobs are too low level. I think that these spiders are too high level now for Spider Silk. I spent 10 minutes in this zone. I spent 10 minutes killing these.

Комментарий от Nephalim As of February 15, Duskwood still seems to be the way to go. Once you arrived in STV keep north, if your map is blank the simplest thing is to swim up the river which flows down into the zone from the north. Good luck, happy grinding! Комментарий от Just spent an hour or so in Hillsbrad Foothills killing all the Forest Creepers in the south part of the zone.

I ended up with 10 Spider Silk after killing around spiders. It took about 10 spiders to get one drop. Комментарий от cherme I have always had the best luck in Duskwood with the Black Widows. Just spent about 20 minutes killing them and got the 2 I needed. Комментарий от gbalkam They still drop from the small spiders in Wetlands, both inside and outside the cave. The drop rate per spider may be lower, but there are vastly more spiders much closer together with a fairly fast respawn.

By the time you clear the cave, then clear outside, the ones in the cave have respawned, and the ones outside will have respawned roughly around the same time that you finish the ones in the cave. The best classes would probably be Mage, Druid, or Warlock. With that being said, I also used a macro that I could constantly click in order to target the mobs in question faster.

Комментарий от Cloudeddevil For some reason with the WoD update this drop has become a scarce one. Info Description: Жизнь — как поход. Мы ходим и бегаем в удовольствие по полям, горам и паркам, а если на море, то по песку и пляжам. Нами проводятся мероприятия на основе соревнований, где каждый преодолевает себя.

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