ИНТЕРНЕТThis website is dedicated to all pin-up artists, photographers, and models who have contributed, and continue to contribute, to the pin-up art genre. Each chapter opens with a tipped-in reproduction of an original calendar or magazine cover by that artist. ИНТЕРНЕТFormidably sized, The Art of Pin-up is an impressive book that will be coveted by casual fans as well as hardcore pin-up collectors. If Elvgren's work looks familiar, it may be . The top 10 artists are profiled in depth. This site has been set up to showcase their work, provide brief bios of each artist, and to serve as a directory of the who's who in American-style pin-up art. г. ИНТЕРНЕТ23 июл. · It's often stated that Gil Elvgren was and continues to be the best pin-up artist the world has ever known. From the mid 's through , Elvgren produced over five hundred paintings of beautiful girls and women and almost all of them were made with oil on canvas.